eXp Realty Resources


eXp Realty Resources

At eXp, we invest in the best technology and platforms so that our agents can save time and do what they do best — service their clients.

As the world's first cloud-based brokerage, we ensure that our agents have access to these tools at any time. At any place.

Welcome Guide

This comprehensive eXp Realty Resources page details the collaborative tools, training and technology available to eXp real estate brokers and agents.

Get to know our exclusive services and programs via our 12-step welcome guide below!

1. Welcome to eXp

An Introduction to eXp Realty

2. Mission & Core Values

Our Vision and Culture

3. Model Explained

How We Put Our Agents First

4. Our Technology

Solutions to Save You Time & Money

5. Our Community

We’re Here to Help You Grow

6. Our Marketing

Drive Your Brand Awareness

7. eXp University

Over 50 Hours of Live Training/Week

8. Equity Opportunities

Grow with Your Company’s Success

9. Fast Start Series

Start Off Strong As a New Agent

10. Icon Program

An Incredible eXp Opportunity

11. Healthcare

Affordable Care for Your Family

12. Onboarding

Let’s Get You Started!

Ready to Join?
Let's Get Started!


Meet Paul, your onboarding concierge!

Paul will walk you through the application process via a 30-minute Zoom.

He’ll help you with everythingfrom guiding you through the Join App on join.exprealty.com to getting you connected with lead platforms and more.

Fill out the calendar below to get started.